Steffi likes everything I sew.

It's been a long time.
David went on a mission for the USAF for 5 weeks and I was left with the kids, a full time job, and chronic depression to deal with on my own. I was stuck in Oklahoma, where I don't know a soul, and I didn't handle it well. I've gained 40 (!!!) pounds since we moved here in September. I'm lonely every day.
I need my art back. I know that very few people still read this blog any more. I don't focus on knitting as much as I did originally. I also quit updating for almost 5 months. For those of you still with me, thank you. I plan on sharing again. I need it.
I've been sewing a lot. I got a new Brother machine for my wedding anniversary and I've been honeymooning with it for months now. I had forgotten how much I loved sewing with a machine. I sit at the sewing table for hours. I spend all morning in my pajamas. I hold my bladder for hours. My coffee gets cold before I drink it. The hours fly by and I realize that I didn't plan anything for dinner yet.
The first quilt is a spontaneous number I did for my best friend. I just cut rectangles and attached them at random. Some pieces are larger than a fat quarter and some are as small as a credit card. I don't really know how I ended up with a queen sized quilt, it just happened.
The second quilt is on my bed. It's a giant log cabin square made from 5" flannel strips. (I got all of the fabric from JoAnn's when flannel was $1.99 a yard.) The back is an old sheet with a few leftover 5" strips thrown in here and there.
I love the quilt you made for your best friend! it looks great.
I've missed your posts like crazy. I love that you do such a variety of fiber things. I hope you get back into the blogging grove!
I am still with you.. I love seeing what you make. Actually, I shifted from knitting to quilting too almost right along with you. Only I don't have much time to sew. Please keep posting! I hope you don't see the getting carried away by the sewing as a bad thing. Enjoy it!
I'm still here, too! *Hugs*
I finally switched from Bloglines to Google Reader because so often Bloglines wasn't showing updates.
But I'm still here!
I'm glad you're back! I keep checking in and what a great surprise to see a real post :D Quilting is the new knitting, so don't worry. Welcome back! We missed you!
I still read your blog. I am stuck in Oklahoma too ( Oklahoma City ) so you now know at least one other lonely soul. If you ever need anything, or just want to chat it up, my email is CheaPet (AT) Cox (DOT) net
Glad to see you back to creating... it sucks that things have been so rough for you, especially since things just seems to be balancing out.
Hopefully The Craft (and blogging) will be a bit of comfort, if not distraction for you.
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