Saturday, April 10, 2010

Odes to Common Things

pin cushion, originally uploaded by alexcateye.

A friend sent me a book of Neruda poetry for Valentine's Day this year and it got me thinking. I had not read his work for years, but I was always taken with his Odes to Common Things.

So much of my journey in life has been a celebration of the everyday. I'm a housewife and a mother. The ordinary objects that I touch as part of my daily life need to be exhaulted.

This is my Ode to a Pin Cushion.


Julie said...

wow, what a wonderful, beautiful idea. I love Neruda's Odes as well, but your embroidered odes is a fantastic idea. And that pincushion looks utterly beautiful.

Nalhcib said...

Needlework is an interesting work. I like a this work!