Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guard Moose/Dad Hat

That's the guard moose Izzy wants for Christmas. She only wants it because it belongs to her sister. My grandmother bought her a giant moose for Christmas. Hopefully that ends the controversy.

I finished David's Christmas hat. I spun the yarn myself, dyed it, then knit it to match an authentic Word War II Red Cross soldier watch cap. That ought to keep my hubby's bald head piping hot this winter. I knit it extra long for ear coverage. Is there a man alive who doesn't worry about ear coverage?

(Plus he's allowed to wear it with his uniform.)

I spent last night flicking locks. It was super fun. It's like brushing a 1000 Barbies' hair in one evening. I scratched up my fingers doing it and almost wore a new hole in my jeans.

The locks in this picture took up half of a shoe box. Now they are up to the sofa from the floor. So far spinning them is fun and frothy.
Please ignore our carpet. We didn't slaughter anyone on it. That's just one of the joys of older NCO housing.

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