Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thinky Thoughts

I've been bitten by the Embroidery Bug. Actually, I think it's more of a needlestick injury, something I'm familiar with...something impossible to forget. (Now I want a complete social history on Embroidery. Where has she been and who has she been doing it with?)

I'm not sure what to do with the brain. I just know I had to stitch it. My poor little head is exploding with ideas. It's, well, convoluted.

Maybe I'll sew it into a drool bib to wear when I'm thinking my deep thoughts. Hmm...I shall see.


Lovs2Knit said...

Looks good! Embroidery is not my strong point. I do love to sew.

CraftyGryphon said...

That's one seriously cool brain. I'm thinking "book cover" or "book bag" (depending on how large it actually is; I can't quite get scale from the photo) - or maybe pillow. But it might be scratchy for a pillow?

A bandana might also be fun...

skiingweaver said...

I *love* the brain! LOL! It's excellent! :)

Louise Riley said...

ha! drool bib, you are very funny.