Friday, November 28, 2008

Late November

It tasted much better than it looked.
We gave thanks for tofu. It was great. Well, everything was great except the pumpkin pie that I inadvertently spiced with turmeric instead of nutmeg. It stunk like home-baked napalm. I still can't get that taste out of my head. We'll recreate the entire meal (maybe with apple crisp) for David someday when he's home.

I finished knitting the Liger. Since I used thrift store tapestry wool, I'm giving it a good soak before I stuff it. The first wash water smelled a little dusty and thriftstore-ish. The second wash smells like oranges and of lovely wool.

I'm trying to get into the holiday spirit. I wish there were some sort of defibrillator to jump start my enthusiasm. I did manage to buy an Easy Bake Oven and a cart full of art supplies. David is shipping the kids a Wii.

In other news, I've lost 30 lbs since David went to Korea. People are starting to ask me if I've lost weight. That is somewhat awesome.

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