Thursday, November 20, 2008

Please ignore my torn up living room.

Yes, that is a dead buffalo on the wall. I hated it when I married David, but it's the only "pet" we've had that hasn't run away. I can't imagine a family celebration without it now.

I recorded this little video to help you with the short row, garter stitch toe.

It was 2:00 pm, but most of the light was already gone that day. I hope you can see it.

I will try to get better pictures of these socks. It's hard to take pictures of your own feet, especially when it starts getting dark outside when the kids come home from school.

1 comment:

CraftyGryphon said...

The tinny little speakers on my work computer squeak up your voice high enough so that it makes your voice sound the same as my voice sounds to me when it's recorded.

Totally freaked me out for the first minute of the video!

(Very cool socks, BTW. And a great name for a paddy-heel sock. I, too, have had to deal with it!)